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Jeremy Edge, LPC
May 26, 20234 min read
Problematic Gaming Specialist Training Program: A Course Overview
Geek Therapeutics has a Problematic Gaming Specialist course that's extremely helpful for clinicians. Check out an overview in this course!

Jeremy Edge, LPC
May 14, 20218 min read
Why League of Legends Can Feel So Addicting and What to do About it: From a Counselor Who Plays
League of Legends is a popular PC video game and can feel addicting. Learn why it's such a problem and how to respond in this article.

Jeremy Edge, LPC
Apr 30, 20214 min read
Insights for Counselors Working With Clients Who Play Video Games
From one counselor to another, learn how to better understand your clients who play video games.

Jeremy Edge, LPC
Oct 30, 20206 min read
PC Gaming and Bow Hunting Are the Same (Besides a Few Things)
Gaming and hunting might sound like opposites. But the more you look at them, the more they have in common.

Jeremy Edge, LPC
Jun 21, 20192 min read
Teens Playing a Lot of Fortnite, But it Could be a Good Thing
The National Research Group says teens spend more time on Fortnite than ever before. Is that a good thing?

Jeremy Edge, LPC
Jun 13, 20194 min read
A Day in the Mind of a Problematic Gamer
Playing competitive video games is fun but can take a toll. Step into the mind of an adult gamer for a day and see life from their view.

Jeremy Edge, LPC
Jan 30, 20194 min read
More Than Just a Game: Signs of Gaming Addiction and Treatment
"Mom! I have to play now!" “You can play after you finish your homework.” "I WANT TO PLAY NOW! I have been at school all day and all I...
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